Based on pre-Socratic philosophers, classical and contemporary, and exploring their skills and abilities within their professional field and personal experience, professional and spiritual, Professor David Ribeiro (philosopher) created the School-Show, courses and workshops based on the philosophy of Self.
Professor Antonio David Ribeiro Junior (prof. David Ribeiro) Has a degree in philosophy, philosopher, master degree in teaching methodology with more emphasis on new technologies, is a composer and musician of the night with several LPs and CDs recorded with an eclectic repertoire, is holistic practitioner, a researcher affairs cohesive religion, philosophy and the humanities, in addition to certificates of various extension courses on the sociology, metaphysics and early childhood education, elementary, middle and top.
What is Class-Show?
Are classes, lectures, courses and workshops with live music, with predefined topics covering family, work and spirituality, all based on the philosophy of Self and directed by musician and professor of philosophy David Ribeiro and their guests.
What is the philosophy of Self? They are based on studies involving whole man: you learn to self-knowledge; learn to do for yourself, learning to live together in groups and learn to be what it is, by its own autonomy and beliefs.
What is the Private-shows?
To stimulate the human thinking thinking. To discuss contemporary issues about life, living and relationships, because nobody lives without relations.
For the man realizes how much he needs to do to self-knowledge. For the man plunge meditation into your being, until you find your own self.
For the man know that he is, and always will be its own object of study, with the purpose of knowing, self-knowledge to self-disclose.
To show that music and singing, are to collaborate with the evolution of the planet and of man.
Because the Class-Show?
We live in a multitude of thoughts about life, living and relationships. It's a mess damaged the planet. Education became a subject of studies and research without end.
It is precisely the attributes of man that the investigator and professor David Ribeiro uses his intelligence and Lecture Music Show, to offer businesses and public schools, state and private Salvador - Bahia - Brazil, studies about the life, of life and relationships, in short, the Philosophy of Self.
Education professionals who do not use their skills and abilities to encourage their students to attend the lessons, both naturally and gradually the lessons become boring, and when that happens, students are discouraged, and educators tired and discouraged with his performance, end up giving up even teach. And what is that, if not the lack of love for their profession? And what is that, if not the denial of his business education? Or, want to crawl the work only to receive the guaranteed salary at the end of the month. We believe that the money is needed, but the moral conduct and professional ethics has no price, or better, can not be sold nor bought.
We know that family is the first educational institution of the students, or rather, their children and that many parents make the school a deposit as a refuge for their freedom, it is the fault of parents or teachers, but it is up to one observation before going to school parents are not responsible for the direction of education of the children? And during the times of the students in the classroom, the responsibility of the syllabus of these educated is not the teachers? And whose fault is it? That is why the recycling to improve the skills and abilities of any human being.
Humanity especially teenagers easily fall prey to the vices and pleasures of parties, money, drugs and sex, and forget the world that can not see it is, of itself, or rather, your walk will be the future of your way.
They say that such schools, and if not, at least drive to work. And so, this movement of life, children follow their parents and teachers, young people follow their colleagues and friends, and adults follow their parents, colleagues and friends, and all this will create paradigm about paradigms or theories about theories, and where will it all go? This account is for more or for less?
So the show class-sum and is therefore required to man who can not read has no more merit than the man who can not read.
How the Lessons-Shows?
For presentations in small or large, private schools, public, municipal or private lessons, concerts or lectures will be motivated, with themes related to family, work, and spirituality.
In the case of students from 1st to 4th grade of elementary schools, in addition to music, the experiences and dynamics of children, the work will be drawings, collages and interactive chat.
For adolescents in the 6th grade or 5 th grade of elementary school to the 12th year or 3rd year of high school classes-shows will be with music, with dynamic, with experiences and interactive chat.
The songs sung and played during class-shows are songs specific to the chosen themes.
1. Theme: Family and relations between parents, children, friends and brothers;
"The family is like life, either one or the other should live in peace, harmony and balance. For this, the family must understand that even the planet is stopped, because life is proved by the move. Therefore, the dialogue with love is still the best remedy for healing, understanding, respect and love as family life itself. "
Prof. David Ribeiro
· Who is the real father? It is man or God?
· Who is the real mother? Mother Nature or the woman?
· Who is the real friend or brother? It's my boyfriend or husband? It's next door? It's Father? It's my mother? It's my Brother of coexistence? Will we all one?
· How to respect others if I do not respect my body?
· What will or will happen in the life of a person who makes use of too much sex or just by instinct?
· How to find and balance my physical and mental defects?
· What are my true virtues?
· Completion open to chat. Everyone is a?
2. Theme: The need for work industry is honesty.
"This work involves honesty, dedication, research, organization and merit, and that we refer to the direction of movement. Unlike the work we have the vice of sloth or inertia that leads to discouragement. It is true that all work generates a progress with rights and duties. Law duty is no anarchy, without law and duty is slavery. So, whoever wins the difficulties of life will never be poor, so poverty only exists for those who want to study or to work. "
Prof. David Ribeiro
· Because the study is important in our lives?
· What is the difference of people who study and those who do not study the progress of work?
· What's my multiple intelligence?
· What I do with my life?
· What paths do I need to go for me to be what I want to be?
· Did I already know what to do to improve my life?
3. Theme: spirituality in the physical, mental and spiritual.
"Regardless of paradigms with religious beliefs, the man has to get his search for inner peace, and that peace at all, just find it within himself."
Prof. David Ribeiro
· What are the natural laws that govern the universe?
· What is religion?
· What is mediumship?
· What is spirituality?
· What is the difference between being religious and religion?
· What is the difference between death and reincarnation?
· The evil of man's belief or disbelief?
· What is the difference between reflection and meditation, and how to practice them?
In appropriate locations and sufficient to meet the number of participants.
Dates must be reserved in advance and scheduled for performances from January 2010.
How much is it?
The duration of each class-show will be from 01:30 to 2:00 pm and / or combine with Professor David Brooks.
The value of each Class-Show will be subject to availability on the day of the event, taking into account the sound equipment, data-show, note-book and other tools necessary for good presentation.
With whom?
The Lessons-Shows will be given by Professor David Ribeiro and his guests "when conditions for the students or teachers of municipal schools, public or private, as well as for employees of public agencies or private.
With what?
For the teacher when necessary: sound compatible to the site and event, light track, guitar, music, and themes based on the philosophy of Self.
By the contractor when necessary: stage or mini-practiced 4x4, white board, data-show, sound, light, computer or note-book, stand, microphone, sound, auditorium, gymnasium or hall suitable for the event.
Contacts for classroom or lecture-show in 2010. /
Mobile: (xx71) 9959-1311-3386-6324 - Prof. David Brooks.